Saffron Lotus Self-Healing Meditation
Find a comfortable meditation posture with your spine stacked and straight, softening the musculoskeletal structures around it.
Breathe into your lower dantian, expanding and relaxing with the breath like calm waves flowing in and out of shore.
Empty your mind of extraneous thoughts, stresses and worries of the day, as if you were parting clouds to reveal a clear, blue sky. Your mind is this clear blue sky. Any thoughts, emotions, or sensations that arise are like clouds passing with no need to follow or push them away.
Practice this for a few minutes to clear and stabilize the mind.
Root to heaven and earth
Spiral in golden earth qi from deep beneath the surface of the earth. These golden spirals move into the legs via Kidney 1, Bubbling Spring, and through Ren 1, Hui yin (perineum) into the lower dantian.
Like a golden sphere of light or golden cauldron, the lower dantian expands and fills with each breath.
Spiral in brighter gold heaven qi through the crown, third eye and heart center. Looking up, spiral in this yang qi through open eyes like light pouring into a window.
The heaven qi moves into the central channel then down to connect with earth qi in the lower dantian.
As you inhale, breath into every cell of your being. The cells expand with golden light. The light grows so strong and bright, they open into radiant, golden saffron lotuses transforming any blockages or obstacles to wholeness.
As the Qi builds, continue to breathe and fill every cell of your being. Saffron Lotuses explode from all of your cells, creating a pure land inside your inner landscape. Feel calm and at peace. Know that you are well. Trust that you are innately whole. Anything in the way of unconditional love and peace becomes nourishment for the growth, becoming and opening of the lotus blossoms.
Gather into your lower dantian.
Written in the 2020 metal rat year of the dark transformation. May it be of benefit as we rise from the ashes.